KidCo Uno + Single to Double Stroller

The KidCo Uno+ is the ultimate single to double stroller system that will grow with your family. Whether you are looking for one child, siblings, or even twins, the KidCo Uno+ is the answer, giving up to 16 different configurations. This system offers optimal comfort for your offspring while being a practical and stylish option for parents.

The standard Uno+ includes the chassis, one seat unit, bug net, rain cover, and cup holder.

For pricing or to order, please call the store


One of the main benefits of the Uno+ is its strong and well engineered chassis, built to carry two toddlers, however, as a single stroller, the Uno+ frame is still compact and light weight, offering great maneuverability as well as a small fold. A combination of outstanding wheel bearings and Polyurethane wheels creates an incredibly smooth ride, even when tackling tougher terrain.